A committed and responsible group

The Archimbaud Group has chosen to base its development on the constant search for service to the society in which it operates. This committed and responsible approach is reflected above all in the development of timber resources in the areas where it is established, in the creation of jobs in rural areas and in the search for industrial solutions that are always adapted to the fundamental issues of ecological balance.


Environmental challenges

Environmental issues related to global warming and the reduction of greenhouse gases hold a special place for the wood industry: a sustainable, renewable and recyclable material, wood has formidable intrinsic qualities.
Highly insulating, it reduces energy consumption. As a carbon reservoir, it stores CO2 throughout its life.

Moreover, wood energy (wood, logs, chips, sawmill by-products, end-of-life wood products, pellets) is the leading renewable energy resource in France (47% of the French energy mix): it offers an alternative to fossil fuels.

Circular economy
at the heart of the development model


An economic model whose objective is to produce goods and services in an environmentally sustainable way by limiting the consumption and waste of resources (raw materials, water, energy) and the production of waste, a circular economy is omnipresent in the organisation and development of the Archimbaud Group.

The group is committed to preserving forests, planting trees, recovering production waste, finding new uses for it and producing energy throughout the value chain.

Representing 10% of the total volume of harvested wood, bark is sorted and then sold to garden centres that turn it into mulch or soil.

The quality and special features of the group's industrial equipment allow for the optimal processing of logs by reducing the production of related products. The latter are processed into pellets, flour or chips. At the end of the chain, the final wood waste is fed into the biomass power plant to produce electricity and heat.

Through its recycling platform located in Niort, the group processes wood waste from other producers in the region for a volume equivalent to 34% of the pallets produced annually by the group. This platform supplies shredded wood to the company's pellet production units and to industrialists in the sector for the production of chipboard.


Sharing the value

At each stage of the value chain, the company is committed to preserving and developing its tangible and intangible assets and to transforming the resource into a sustainable value shared with all its stakeholders: customers, employees, suppliers, investors, territories and civil society, environment.

« Developing the timber resources of our territories while respecting people and their environment within an independent company with unique governance. »